A couple of weeks ago, Boo and I were invited to Pizza Express in Holborn to take part in their World Book Day workshop, where he got to learn the secrets of story telling. Now, Boo is superb at reading and recently read his story to the entire school in assembly – proud mummy moment….
Author: swanny
Moving towards positivity.
Following my last post, I’ve decided to stop procrastinating and stop thinking ‘what if?’. It’s time for positivity! It’s time to do!!! I’ve actually made a decision to just go for it and get back into the working world. The thought of going back to work… As a mum to two boys, I find this…
Education – Why must it be so difficult?!
Education! Only one of the biggest decisions you’ll make for your child right?! So why is it so bloody difficult? Now we are doing okay by anyone’s standards. My husband has a good enough job that I don’t have to work. When my son was two, I stopped working to spend more time with him…
Happy New Year from Swanny!
Happy New Year every one. 2017 has definitely been a challenging one. Not all bad, but not all great either. Just as I started to get on a roll and things started to look up, it’s the end of the bloody year!!! But that’s not a bad thing, it just means that I’m in a…
Little Miss Mid-Range Mobile Reviews
Another year is up and I have to say, as far as the mobile world goes, I was captivated by the mid range. Everyone is always talking about the flagships and how they’ve managed to push technology, once again. However, for me, I feel that if it wasn’t for the emerging mid-range, the flagships wouldn’t…
How to find your android when your phone is off or out of power
So, I have spent the last 2 months searching frantically for my nearly new Honor 9. It was only a few months old and I had become *really* attached to it. The last I remembered, I had given it to my 6 year old son to ‘keep him quiet’ whilst I got on with chores,…
Mobile company Honor launch the 7X and View 10 in London
Mobile company Honor put on a spectacular event last week at the The Mermaid, London. There was much buzz before the event about whether they were revealing one or two phones. I’d heard on the grapevine that it was two, so I was really excited to hear what they had to share with us! Over…
After a bit of a break, I’m back!
I’ve taken a few months break and there are a million reasons as to why this is, so no blog post could possibly explain. It’s been a very hard few months and the Summer holidays have been hectic. So, rather than go over old news, I’m going to take the opportunity to start fresh and…
Fitness with MyZone – Making you work harder!
With so many fitness gadgets on the market, it’s a nightmare to know which ones to buy. I recently came across a very interesting concept and my husband and I have been testing it out for a little while now. It’s called MyZone and is a heart rate tracker with a twist! As with most fitness/…
Plantronics Voyager Legend Hands-Free Headset from Halfords
I talk a lot on my phone, anyone who knows me will tell you that my phone may as well be surgically attached to my hand. However, there is one instance where I must put down my phone and that’s when I’m driving. So a couple of years ago, I bought a new Skoda Superb and…