Are you a lifelong BlackBerry loyal, a BBM addict, or perhaps you want to escape the same-ism of the iPhone pandemic? Well, Vodafone has an offer that will brighten up your Sunday – teaming up with BlackBerry, it is offering all new customers 10 free music downloads per month, for six months! The offer is valid on all new purchases or upgrades to the BlackBerry Bold/Curve and Torch.
The deal is part of the Vodafone Music 10 Track Pack, but no subscription is necessary – plus, there is naughty automatic subscribe after the six months…it in fact automatically unsubscribes you. If however you did fancy staying with the service, it costs £5 extra per month, hence amounting to 50p per song. Songs are in MP3 format and so are not stuck for only your BlackBerry, but can be played on your computer, MP3 player and other mobile phones.
If this sounds good, you can find out more and sign up here.