I have re-written this post a few times already… It keeps evolving and sometimes I find it hard to put my thoughts into words. Confidence is hard to talk about sometimes! I feel that by ‘opening up’, I’m actually leaving myself open to negative response. But anyone who shares any thing on the internet must be happy…
Tag: life
Losing my identity…
Gosh, all that seems so far away now. Since having a child, people’s attitudes seem to have changed towards me. I’m not able to attend a PR event on a days notice and I’m not able to drink until the early hours anymore. Even if I could, I don’t think my body could take it anymore.
Make the most of life!
As a Mum, it can be hard to keep the fun going all week, every week. Especially if, like me, you spend a lot of time ferrying your child to various after school clubs to keep them active and healthy! The weekend comes and I’m zonked! I pass the parental control to my husband, who is an incredibly hands on Dad and makes weekends so much fun for my boy. But it’s me that’s missing out.
Savour the good, kick out the bad!
I’m not going to get so deep tonight. I’m glad to get some of my angst out about being a parent, though. It’s not an easy job, but it’s one I love very much. I’ve had a pretty lazy afternoon, if I’m honest. My hubby is back at work tomorrow and the festive period is…