Happy New Year every one. 2017 has definitely been a challenging one. Not all bad, but not all great either. Just as I started to get on a roll and things started to look up, it’s the end of the bloody year!!! But that’s not a bad thing, it just means that I’m in a better place to start 2018, right?!
I’ve had to dig really deep the past year to get where I am today. It’s been a tough year as far as motivation goes. I find it so difficult looking back on how successful I once was, both at work and with my tech blog. Having a benchmark to work towards really helps though, I think. I’m more than aware how much hard work and dedication is needed to be successful and this year, I’m determined to show that in everything I do. Not just my blogging and my business, but my friendships, as a wife and mother, my sports and my health. 2018 is my year.
In previous years, I haven’t really done New Year resolutions. I don’t even really like thinking that what I’ve written now is a resolution list as such, just things I would like to achieve. I think each point is something that will lead to me being a happier person and supporting another item on the list. So, here it is…
1. Fitness – This is probably the main ‘resoloution’ that people make in the New Year. Resolutions like this, I feel, need to be expanded upon and some kind of realistic plan put in place. So, my plan is to move my pilates class to a Monday which allows me to start back to Karate on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I want to start up my running again and so, I’m considering doing this on a Friday morning with a friend. A fit body leads to a fit mind and in order to achieve my other goals, I need my health.
2018 Goal: Achieve my 1st Dan and black belt in Karate
2. Organisation – This is a huge one for me. I spent a lot of last year missing appointments and running around like a headless chicken because I was so disorganised. Funny, as I can organise anyone else with no problems at all. It’s my time to shine in 2018 and without organisation, this is just not going to happen. So, this year, I want to have all of my appointments digitally recorded as well as in my planners. I want to spend time every morning going over what it is I need to do and achieve that list in full, every day, as often as possible. Procrastination was probably my key word of 2017, unfortunately, but I don’t want it to even enter my vocabulary this year.
2018 Goal: Deep plan weekly to stay ahead.
3. Success – This is another mammoth one for me. I’ve always set myself high standards and to be successful is a big thing for me. Anything I’ve set my mind to in the past, I’ve been successful at. In recent years, since having my son, I have found focus hard. My son, in this time, not only has been my number one priority, but he has also had my complete focus. This has meant that, despite starting some cool projects, I haven’t had the capacity to see them through to where I would have liked them to be. This changes this year. So this resolution is to focus on my business and grow. 2018 is about growth for my business and to make my brand known.
2018 Goal: To be making a steady, regular monthly income from my business.
4. Be a better person – I want to break this one down
- I want to be a better wife and mother. I’ve done a lot, and I mean a lot of thinking about this. Although my family are my world, I don’t feel like I do anywhere near what I could do. I want to make more of an effort to go out with the boys. Experience more of the great outdoors, enjoy more board games together and teach them there’s more to life than tech and TV. This was something on my list for 2017, however, I don’t feel like I have made much of an impact with it.A big part of this is wanting to shout less. It’s been a difficult year of adjustment for us. There have been a number of battles to overcome send these will be ongoing for some time to come. I feel like if I’m more organised and am running a more organised household, then I shouldn’t have the need to shout as much. I feel like when I shout the most is when I feel like I’m drowning from everything going on around me. It’s the stress of everyday life getting the better of me.
- I want to be a better friend. I realised over the past year that I could have made more of an effort. Friendship is a two way thing and you can’t expect others to make an effort, if you, yourself, don’t. Over the last few years, I’ve realised that I don’t need a whole load of friends. I wanted so desperately to be ‘popular’ when I was young (didn’t everyone?!) but I turned out to be the opposite. I thought that things might change in adulthood, but as I’ve discovered, I’m just an acquired taste it would seem. I think the people who have taken the time to get to know me will tell you, I’m a good friend. However, there are a few people that I want to make an effort to be a better friend to. Treat those as you wish to be treated.
2018 Goal: Reconnect with close friends that have drifted away.
5. Get my house in order – So, we bought and moved into our home in 2011. Boo was 6 months old, but around that time, I discovered I had kidney problems. As a result, I ended up regularly in and out of hospital for the next 4 year’s years. the past 2, I have fortunately managed it stay out. Slowly, I have managed to start to de-clutter and I’m at the place now where I can start to make big changes to my house. My biggest aim this New Year is to get the wood floors laid. Currently we have 6 year old carpet which is frankly disgusting after 2 kids and 4 cats!!!
As if that wasn’t enough, we also need to paint everywhere, replace the fridge/ freezer and washing machine. It’s going to be an expensive start to the year, but it will definitely set us up nicely for the rest of the year and if we decide it sell, it will look a lot better send will no doubt add some money on to the value of the house. The biggest plus to this resolution is how it will affect me mentally. Currently I don’t invite anyone into my house, because I’m so ashamed. I’m sure this will boost my confidence in so many ways.
2018 Goal: Get flooring and repaint the house by the end of March.
6. Blogging – Blogging has been my passion for years. I first started blogging back in 2003. It was a personal blog, but it did really well. In 2009 I launched my Technology blog aimed at the female audience which did so well, it won awards. This is very high on my list this New Year. After I had my son, I wasn’t able to continue to blog as regularly as before and once I became ill, it stopped altogether. I see 2018 as reclaiming my place in the Blogosphere and expanding into the vlogging world along the way.
I’ve always loved working with brands and to restart this part of my life will not only give me great pleasure, it will boost my confidence. I just hope that someone will take a chance on me and allow me to show them what I can do. The motivation and drive is there, so it’s now just a case of turning this into something great!
2018 Goal: Blog Regularly and get my YouTube off the ground.
New Year 2018, here I come!
So there you have it, My New Year resolutions! There are a few other things I would like to do, but it’s about prioritising. The above isn’t in order, but they are my main focus for this year ahead. I’d love to hear what you guys are hoping to achieve this year. I have found that sharing your aspirations help motivate each other. Don’t forget to pop over and follow me on Twitter and Instagram.
Happy New Year everyone!!!
You’ll get them awards back in no time mate, I’m sure of it!
The one that resonates the most with me is fitness. I definitely need to up my game there, for myself and my family. I’m probably not much fun for Evelyn if I can’t keep up!
Happy New Year!
Love this post darling, you can do whatever you set your mind to. Be kind to yourself though OK, you are doing so well already x