This Christmas, I was given the opportunity to take part in the Halifax’s ‘Giving Extra to someone special’ campaign. I was provided with a £50 Amazon voucher and my task was to find someone deserving and get them a present.
This wasn’t at all hard for me. I’ve been quite unwell for the past few months and I’ve been in and out of hospital. As you can imagine, with a 2 year old child and a husband who works full time, this has been extremely difficult for all of us. But there’s only one person who swooped in and saved the day, week, month… year! That’s my Dad!

I have always been a Daddy’s girl and I always will be. My Dad is the saviour of all situations and without him, I’d be lost. Not only did he drop everything to look after my son when my husband was at work, he also acted as taxi service to pick up my husband and my son and bring them to the hospital. He gave up his days to make sure that we were okay and that’s one of the most unselfish and lovely things.
Anyhow, my Dad has a huge love for Nokia phones and has a Nokia Lumia 920. He really loves his phone and so I thought I would buy him all the accessories that he would need. Firstly I bought him an official Nokia standing wireless charger, These usually retail at £59.99 however I managed to bag a bargain at £34.99. I topped up the package with an in car vent mount so he can use his phone as a sat nav more effectively, an in car charger so he never has to worry about running out of juice, some screen protectors, a hard skin case and some mini stylus.
He was over the moon with his presents and frequently mentions them and it’s nice to see he’s using everything. A massive thank you to Halifax and their PR company for making this possible as this couldn’t have gone to a more deserving person and he was extremely grateful!