I’ve had a pretty lazy few months as far as exercise goes. SO much has been going on in my life that I’ve neglected my own health and wellbeing on a pretty big level. I’ve not been to Karate since mid December and running… well, I have no idea!!! Being a Mum can take up so much time and energy, it’s hard to find the motivation to do things for ourselves. I’ve even got to the point where putting on makeup is a chore. My motivation isn’t really there at the moment.
So, I’ve decided to set myself a challenge to boost my motivation, health and wellbeing. I’m going to eat three healthy meals a day. I’m going to drink the recommended 2 litres of water a day and I’m going to start the NHS Couch to 5K and compare my runs to see how I’m progressing. Once I complete the Couch to 5K, I’m going to head to my very first Park Run and see if I can go for a personal best.
I find drinking water so difficult. I don’t really like it and even mixed with sqash, 2 litres feels like LOADS. I tend to drink my quota in tea instead, which I’m sure doesn’t have the same results, but it certainly tastes a lot nicer and is far more satisfying. Any tips on consuming my 2 litres will be gratefully received as it’s the one thing I know I’m going to struggle with the most.
I’ll be sharing what equipment, apps and recipes I’ll be using during my challenge, as well as all of my results (no laughing). I’m hoping to update as often as I can and I’ll be sharing my progress, my thoughts and feelings along the way. I’m sure there will be some horrifying, red faced, makeup-less shots of me in Lycra – eek, but I’ll try and keep these to a minimum.
I hope you’ll follow my journey, I think I’ll need all of the support I can get. I would love to hear any tips, recipes or suggestions you have, so please leave me a comment or contact me on Twitter or Facebook.
Motivation is the key to any exercise programme. I need to commence my training for my up and coming Tour de Yorkshire ride at the end of April. This weekend was going to be the big push off but I’ve been incapacitated by this infernal cold. Good look with your efforts.
You can get water bottles with times on them so you drink on schedule. Get a stainless steel or glass one, because all plastics leak chemicals. You go girl! Ruth
You go girl:) It is hard to get motivated especially in this weather!
I am starting to run again now
We’ve been drinking lots more water with Robinson’s and it’s made such a difference to us all. I’ve also been eating more low carb and feeling better for it. Don’t you love blogging about your plans too, makes me feel more accountable. Thanks for linking up x